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Matriarch Collection
The power of feminine energy. Fierce and nurturing in equal measure.

Origin Collection
Exploring our identity and the nature of womanhood.


Born of a desire to honour our common threads and embrace the power of feminine energy.
Aramudi is created for those who seek to explore their identity and connect to women gone before.


Lineage Collection
Honouring our common threads.
Celebrating our shared cultural lineage.


Talisman Collection
Featuring bespoke pieces hand made from vintage jewellery and repurposed materials.


Aramudi jewellery is a reminder that our strength lies in the duality of feminine energy – together we are nurturing and fiercely powerful.

We’re hand made by a collective of makers across South East Asia. 

Aotearoa is home, but we are a story of migrants spanning Sri Lanka, Europe, East Africa, South East Asia and Canada.


Follow us on social @aramudi_jewellery